True efficiency requires wisdom which is the combination of mind and heart
In order to perform your tasks well whether this is psychotherapy or coaching or any other things you do, it is necessary to be deeply involved in the process, feel it profoundly, be able to estimate results, besides, to be the one who is fully dedicated to the job.
Illia Mstibovskyi
Gestalt coach
Trainer and Supervisor
Group leader
Gestalt Consultant
About me
Gestalt Consultant
I have been working individually, with couples, and families since 1997. During this time, I have conducted approximately 10,000 sessions with clients using the Gestalt approach.
I employ various styles of work, including dialogical, provocative, integrated (incorporating various psychotherapy approaches, body and spiritual practices), and many others.
I am a member of the European Association for Gestalt Therapy (EAGT) as a therapist and Gestalt practitioner in organisations
counseling: personal and family problems, existential issues, psychosomatics, career, self-discovery and understanding of true desires, overcoming the consequences of traumas, anxiety, depression, suspiciousness, personal development, etc.
Theorist / Innovator
Since 2003, I have been publishing articles about the dialogue in Gestalt, as well as consulting couples with the application of innovative methods in the Gestalt approach, etc.
In 2018, I co-authored a chapter in the Handbook for Theory, Research, and Practice in Gestalt Therapy (2nd Edition).
Participated in a variety of international conferences where I gave lectures and ran workshops.
Gestalt Coach
I have been practicing Gestalt coaching since 2013, developing new approaches in Gestalt coaching and principles of integrating it with Gestalt therapy.
Coaching topics include work-related issues, goal setting and achievement, self-awareness and actualizing personal potential, changing outlooks etc.
Trainer and Supervisor
Since 1996, I have been organizing training groups in Gestalt therapy in Kharkiv. I am a regional trainer and supervisor at MIGIP, and since 2006, I have been a senior trainer at SRGI.
I have trained approximately 1000 postgraduate students on Gestalt counseling, many of whom have become leading Gestalt practitioners in the country, having opened their own centers and institutes.
My initial education is in applied mathematics, and I worked as an IT specialist for 18 years. In 1990, I defended my dissertation at the Central Economic-Mathematical Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences in the field of mathematical methods and modeling of economic processes.
I resumed my research work in 2014 and now I am a member of an international team that develops methodology and researches the efficiency of Gestalt therapy.
I am a member of the Society for Psychotherapy Research (SPR).
Group Facilitator
Since 1997, I have been facilitating groups on various topics related to personal growth and enhancing individual effectiveness.
I have conducted trainings of about 900 hours (excluding educational programs).
I facilitate support and adaptation groups for Ukrainian refugees in Germany. Recently, I have also started conducting online groups.
Education and work experience
Training programs
1995 Seminars on group analysis, West Ukrainian Association of Psychotherapy
2003 Short Term Gestalt Therapy Workshop, Gestalt Associates Training, Los Angeles (GATLA, Todd Burley)
2009 Seminar "Working in the Field Perspective", IFGT (Jean-Marie Robin)
1997-2001, 2011 Residential Gestalt Therapy Summer Training Program, Gestalt Associates Training, Los Angeles (GATLA, Bob and Rita Resnick, Todd Burley)
2011 Workshop of Body Gestalt, EPG (Claude Gaule)
2013 Supervision in Gestalt Therapy, EPG (Manon van Wonzel)
2013 Seminar "Working with Shame", Gestalt Teraru Institute (GITA, Ljubljana, Tomaz Flys)
2015 Supervision in Gestalt Therapy, IFGT (Anne Chrétien)
2017 Seminar "Theory, practice, experience of Gestalt therapy", IFGT (Jean-Marie Robin)
2017 Seminar "Sexuality and Gestalt", Paris Institute of Gestalt Therapy (Sylvie Schoch de Neuforn)
2020 Seminar "Using the experiment in modern Gestalt therapy", training in psychotherapy GestaltStudia (Czech Republic, Jan Rubal)
International conferences
July 2008
XXIX International Psychological Congress, Berlin, Germany. Poster presentation "Mikhail Bakhtin's dialogue approach in combination with the gestalt approach as a means of improving group work at seminars, group psychotherapy and team building"
May 2013
EAGT Gestalt Conference, Krakow, Poland. Seminar "Provocative style of Gestalt therapy in the dialogue process for group and individual work"
June 2015
46th International Annual Meeting of Society for Psychotherapy Research, Philadelphia, USA. Report “Single Case Time Series (SCTS). Framework for International Research in Gestalt Therapy” (co-authored)
September 8, 2015
European Conference of the Society for Psychotherapeutic Research, Klagenfurt, Austria. Report “Single Case, Timed Series (SCTS) Design Efficacy Studies of Depression Psychotherapy: An Experience from an International Project on Gestalt Therapy” (with co-authors)
September 2016
AAGT and EAGT Gestalt Conference, Taormina, Italy. Peport "Outcomes of an individual gestalt therapy session, their connection with the quality of the working alliance: experience of integrating research and private practice" (co-authored)
September 2016
AAGT and EAGT Gestalt Conference, Taormina, Italy. Seminar "Versatality of the Other: Dialogue Models in Group and Individual Gestalt Therapy which Reflect Diverse Views of Leaders in Communicative and Dialogical Philosophy"
May 2017
International Conference "Exploring Practical Research in Gestalt Therapy", Paris
September 2019
EAGT Gestalt Conference, Budapest, Hungary.
Seminar "Fertile Void in Individual and Group Therapy: Practical Models"
May 2022
DVG Gestalt Conference, Nuremberg, Germany.
Lecture "Gaining and transmitting new experience as a unique systemic advantage of the Gestalt approach"
May 2022
DVG Gestalt Conference, Nuremberg, Germany.
Seminar "Variety of "between": models of Dialogue in group and individual gestalt therapy, reflecting the different views of the leaders of communicative and dialogic philosophy"
May 2022
Conference of the Ukrainian Association of Gestalt Coaching and Organizational Consultants. Seminar "Symmetry of Gestalt Coaching and Gestalt Therapy"
July 2022
Conference of the Ukrainian Association of Gestalt Coaching and Organizational Consultants.
Seminar "Dialogue as a means of increasing the effectiveness of Gestalt coaching"
September 5, 2022
International Conference on Gestalt Therapy Research, Hamburg, Germany.
Joint presentation "Outline of different experiences of SCTS research projects"
April conference of the Ukrainian Association of Gestalt Coaching and Organizational Consultants.
Seminar "Designing experiments that provide customers with a new exciting experience"
Higher education
Kharkiv State University, Diploma in Applied Mathematics
Central Economics and Mathematics Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, PhD in Economics
Institute of Psychology, Business and Management, Rostov State University, Diploma in Applied Psychology
Completed training programs
Gestalt Approach Program "Change Management in Organizations", Institute for Gestalt Organizational Consulting (IGOR, Frankfurt am Main, Eva Röttgers-Verchland and Jürgen Verchland)
Art Gestalt and Body Psychotherapy Program, Moscow Institute of Gestalt and Psychodrama (MIGIP, Victoria Berezkina-Orlova and Elena Romanchenko)
Gestalt Program in Clinical Practice, Paris School of Gestalt (EPG, Manon van Woensel)
Gestalt Counseling Program, MIGIP
Executive Coaching Certificate, Executive Coaching Academy (AoEC, London, John Leary-Joyce)
Program "Introduction to the Theory and Practice of Gestalt Therapy with Couples and Families", French Institute of Gestalt Therapy (IFGT, Bordeaux)
Diploma in Gestalt Therapy, IFGT
work experience
Kharkov Automobile and Road Institute, Educational and scientific work
LLC Center for Economic Research and Management Consulting "Consult" Leading Consultant
LLC Psychological center "I see" Co-founder and director
Kharkiv State Academy of Culture, Department of Social Psychology, Lecturer
Kharkiv Institute of the Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, Department of Strategic Management and Information Technologies, Associate Professor
Kharkiv Institute of Management, Department of Management, Associate Professor
MIGIP, regional representative of the Institute in Kharkov, trainer and supervisor since 2001.
Southern Regional Gestalt Institute (SRGI), Senior Trainer and Supervisor
Self-employment in Germany
Membership in associations
European Association for Gestalt Therapy (EAGT)
as a Gestalt therapist and accredited Gestalt practitioner in organizations (including Gestalt coaching);
German Association for Gestalt Therapy (DVG);
Society for Psychotherapeutic Research (SPR)